It’s been two months since I’ve sewed anything. Even longer since I’ve written anything. I meant to sew over the holidays, but ended up sleeping and getting COVID instead. I’m still exhausted.
I wanted to write this to a) write something, ANYTHING right now and b) actually document the real progress I have made in organizing my sewing space and this blog. To make me feel like even if I’m not sewing, I’m doing sewing-related things. That maybe writing here in this space will get me back on some sort of track.
So far, it isn’t working, but here we go anyway.
I teach WordPress to students who are going to be using the app in order to build their websites, usually ePortfolios. The problem with demonstrating WordPress is that it is a CONTENT management system, and if there isn’t any content to manage, it all becomes a theoretical exercise, which the students (understandably) have trouble understanding. So, inadvertently, this site has become a teaching tool, as it has plenty of content. I already had categories (General Sewing, Pattern Review, Free Pattern Review), but I didn’t have any tags.
And now I do.
I explain that categories in WP are like the table of contents of a book while the tags are the index. And now I’ve indexed the shit out of this site. I have pattern designers/companies, the name of the patterns, the type of fabric, if it was a tester pattern, what kind of garment it is, if it is size-inclusive, as well as if it is one of my favorites.

I don’t even know what has come over me, but it is a great way to demonstrate the affordances of WP.
Speaking of patterns, I was getting a little overwhelmed by my printed patterns. I had them all in letter-sized envelopes, organized in alphabetical order in a documents box. But the box was…getting full. And I needed the space where the box was to be able to store my daughter’s art. So I decided to put the peg board wall to good use.

This may look like it was an easy enough task, but between the outlet, the switch, and the other beams, everything had to fit. I was hoping I could fit one more in there by shifting the top row over, but alas THE FREAKING HOLES DON’T LINE UP.

I have two more baskets left, and I’ll probably end up mounting them using good old-fashioned screws in the wall. But it’s so much better organized, and I am so happy with it. They are in alphabetical order by pattern name.
You’ll notice two things on my cutting table. One of them is the fabric for what I am hoping is my next project: making yet another knit wrap dress using the Vogue pattern. The other is the second issue of Tauko Magazine, a new publication that I have completely fallen in love with. It comes full of size-inclusive patterns from independent designers from around the world, and features all kinds of people practicing textile art of all kinds. I’m really hoping to get to one of the patterns from the first two issues this year. It’ll be my first experience tracing a pattern from giant sheets that include a number of patterns drawn on them, but why not add that to my list of skills I’ve at least attempted.
Anyway, I haven’t been idle, just…slow, I guess. And tired. And overwhelmed. But, I do feel better after writing this. A little more likely to cut into that fabric this weekend, start making another dress that has full 1970s vibes.