Pattern Review: Milla Wrap Dress from Designer Stitch

TL; DR – Maybe leopard isn’t so bad?

You know my trials and tribulations with the Atlas Dress. So when I saw that the Milla Dress pattern from Designer Stitch HAD MULTIPLE LENGTHS, I jumped on it. It’s almost identical to the Atlas Dress, except that it can be longer or shorter. It also has different sleeve lengths, which is nice, too. BUT, the measurements were weird (for my measurements) when it came to bust size vs waist size, so I didn’t want to use one of my nicer fabrics in case I chose the wrong size.

This leopard print was the other side of the comforter cover that I used to get this fabric. Animal print is…not my favorite, so I figured, sure, why not. At worst, I put it in the local buy-nothing XL/XXL rotating clothes box, at best, I have a 1970s power dress.

I have a 1970s power dress.

Next time, I’ll make it shorter, but this, for now, turned out really well!

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