TL; DR – IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST PATTERN DO NO SELECT THE V-NECK OPTION, because other than that, this pattern is easy-peasy…as long as you don’t get cocky and anger the sewing deities, like I did.
Y’all know I like a good IG challenge. Every March (apparently) the challenge is to make garments using only free patterns with fabric you already have. AKA my husband’s favorite challenge that he wishes I would just do every month. I am planning my spring/summer wardrobe/makes, and it just so happens that SOME of the makes were with free patterns. KISMET!
The Laundry Day Tee from Love Notions Patterns was one of the first patterns I found and downloaded when I started sewing. But for whatever reason, even though I printed it out, I just never got around to doing it. Maybe I was intimidated by the…fact it was a t-shirt dress? I think I was worried about the fit, I guess.
I also had this lovely jersey fabric, with this black and red and white roses/floral print. I guess I could make another wrap dress, and I do have a jersey wrap dress pattern from Mood, but I would have had to print that one, and I figured I was going to use a free pattern that I had already printed, really leaning into the whole “frugal” side of the challenge. I wanted a dress that would allow the print to stand on its own.
There are so many options with the dress in terms of length, collar, sleeve, and it even provides you with two patterns – one for regular busts and one with a full-bust adjustment already done. I did the full bust. It’s two main pieces, the front and the back, sleeved or sleeveless, with a choice of a round, V, or cowl neck. I love a good v-neck, and besides how hard could that be? I’m basically an experienced pro by now.
I am often composing these blog posts in my head as I sew, and I (foolishly) was thinking about how if I had made this dress early in my sewing adventures, I may have been fooled into thinking sewing was this really easy thing, perhaps becoming more easily frustrated by more challenging projects that couldn’t be completed in a few short hours.
And then the sewing deities pointed and laughed at me.
If I had made this dress in the beginning, I may have quit sewing.
I had never sewn a knit v-neck. I failed. Not miserably, as you can see, but don’t look too close. I needed to watch a video, and even then, it didn’t go very well. And then my machine decided to start eating the hem, and, well, it was a lot harder than it should have been. Next time, I’m making it a round neck. And easing the foot tension (I think that’s what it’s called), because look at the bumps!
But rest assured, I will make this again. It’s SOOOOOOOOOOO comfortable. And cute, too!