Free Pattern Review: Spearmint Corset from Mood Fabrics (and more!)

TL; DR – This corset, at least, wasn’t too hard at all! The daughter was going to her first Renfaire and needed an outfit. We found this gorgeous silky floral print at Joann’s and made the Spearmint Corset from Mood Fabrics and the Freshly Squeezed skirt from Sew Daily (it was free in the magazine…

Pattern Review: Easy-As-Tie Dress from Sew News

TL; DR – I am a massive sucker for Instagram social sewing challenges, easy patterns are fun. I get sewing challenges almost weekly from The Foldline blog. And I want to do. Every. Single. One. So I did this dress on impulse for #sewtogetherforsummer, where I had to make a summer dress, which means, basically,…