Pattern Review: Zero Waste Bog Coat by The Sew Sew

TL; DR – So much quilt guts, but super-simple pattern, why didn’t I do this one earlier? I was supposed to be a pattern tester for the ZW Bog Coat by The Sew Sew, but my life got chaotic, and I just couldn’t. And then I got intimidated by the fact that there isn’t a…

Mal Dress, Take 2

TL; DR – It’s shockingly hard to cut straight lines on a grid fabric. Look, what can I tell you, when big floofy-poofy dresses fall out of fashion, I don’t know what I’m going to do with these Mal Dresses I’m making, but I’ll have LARGE rectangles of fabric to work with. Gingham is also…

Pattern Review: Tie Tee from The Sew Sew

TL; DR – Fantastic, simple make, size-inclusive, no notes. I am always wary of garments that could potentially show a lot of back. Unlike some, I have to wear a bra (and not the cute, fun kind that looks cute peaking out of a top), and thus am always a little cautious about patterns that…