Kielo Wrap Dress, Take 5

TL; DR – Woven is different from knit! Tracing patterns from magazines is HARD!

I bought a second-hand Marimekko comforter cover and pillow cases off of eBay. I love the giant flowers and was struggling to find a pattern that worked to not spoil the motif. I initially wanted to try the Freedom wrap dress from Tauko Magazine, Issue 2. And then I opened up the pattern sheet, and it has five different patterns on it in five different colors, and multiple pieces from the Freedom dress, right-side up and upside-down.

I almost cried.

This was more than my brain could handle, so I scrapped that plan, and decided, hey, did I see someone make a Kielo wrap dress out of woven? I had! And now I can’t remember who I saw on Instagram who posted it. But I did ask if they sized up, and they hadn’t so…Hey, WHY NOT?

Turns out, you can make a Kielo using one side of a king-sized comforter cover, as long you don’t care about the direction of the fabric on your back.

Also turns out, I should have sized up.

The reasons the Kielo works well with woven is first due to the ease, but also because the jumpsuit version of the pattern has a back opening already so you can step into the jumpsuit even when it is made from knit. It’s a good thing, too, because if not, this dress would have been a total waste of fabric, as it was WAY too small around the bust.

But, I kinda dig the open back, to be honest. I decided to do my bias trim finish rather than facing (UGH FACING) and the pattern is perfect for former sheets, being soft and drapey, rather than stiff and structured.

I don’t know if I’ll make one in woven again, only because I’d have to re-print the pattern with the larger size and re-assemble. And I have A TON of other woven patterns I want to try. But I like this effort, and it’ll be a lovely going-out summer dress.

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